“The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.”
~ Benedict Cumberbatch

Whether in business or our personal lives, we must risk moving from what we know into the unknown to succeed in life. Are you willing to risk your comfort zone to reach greatness?

Risking the familiar begins with making friends with the unfamiliar. To encounter the unknown is fun, enriching, and opens up worlds we never imagined existed. Although it does come at some cost, it takes courage to explore who we are, along with the passion that will fuel the journey.

So what’s the worst that can happen, failure?

The one sure way to fail is by giving up: or never starting—many stop before they begin. But, unfortunately, our inner dialog, the voice inside that says why bother, you’ll never be good enough, you can never succeed, or why rock the boat, prevents us from taking the leap of faith.

These voices remind us of the what if’s in life. Living in a world of what if’s takes us out of the present moment and prevents us from ever stretching our boundaries. Instead, it keeps us within the confines of our comfort zone. Fearing everything that hypothetically could happen will not lead to greatness. Paulo Coelho reminds us that; There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. 

To fail triggers various emotional reactions in us. Shame is one of them. To some people, it is avoided at all costs. The possibility of feeling unworthy overshadows the glory of success. As a result, we shy away from attempting to shield ourselves from possibly feeling disappointment in ourselves or from others.

To fear success is different from fearing failure; while the fear of failure is about our self-esteem, the fear of success may be linked to how others react to our achievements.

Either way, the fear of striving higher keeps us stuck in a place that prevents us from reaching our full potential.

How do we move through the discomfort that holds us back? Fear and anxiety can indicate we are moving out of our comfort zone and in the direction of our purpose. However, to find the confidence to move forward begins with a desire for more. All change in our lives requires a thirst for something different, something deeper, a longing, or a burning passion for self-exploration.

To fail is always along the journey to greatness. Shifting our mindset can reveal to us that is a lesson. It may be a delay or a temporary detour, both giving us time to reassess our approach. Regardless, when we achieve or when we don’t, both are valuable and equally important.

Reaching Greatness Begins By:

Setting goals that are easy to attain. Set yourself up for small wins. Each one enhances the brain with feel-good hormones. As these hormones rise, so will your confidence.

Define your strengths and your weakness. Honor where your excel and work on those that are underdeveloped.

Treat yourself with kindness. If you fail, reframe your mindset. Look for adjustments you can make. Research, speak to others who have expertise in the field. Remember, everyone was once a beginner. There is no shame in being a novice.

Trust your intuition; it is your higher self speaking to you. Turn off the negative self-talk and know that you have what it takes to take one more step towards the direction of your goal. We can always take one step, just one step at a time.

Let go of the idea that you may disappoint those around you if you fail or succeed. There will always be people that don’t want to see you break free. Instead, find support with those who have similar goals and passions.

If it were easy, everyone would do it. The time we push ourselves to our extremes or when we fall and get back up are the memories we will recount. They become the legacy of our lives. When we permit ourselves to fail, it is also the instant that greatness is within reach. We allow ourselves to excel when we remove the fear of its consequences.

Are you that one willing to give it a whirl even when others are telling you not to? Or have the limitations you have suffered from family, peers, or even self-imposed; hampering you from taking action?

The more we fail, overcome, and grow, the more interesting and well-rounded we become as people. The stories of overcoming insurmountable odds always draw our attention, not of those whose lives were without struggle.

Stretch yourself to transcend your comfort zone, to launch past the point you would not normally go. We discover who we are, what we are made of, and where our personal greatness lies through these journeys.

“Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end, because in the end, it shows you a whole new world !!
Make an attempt.

~ Manoj Arora