Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

~Samuel Ullman

Have you ever wondered why some people age at a seemingly slower rate than others while others seem to be on the express train to old age?

When we think about age, we generally define it with our chronological age. This is measured in years, yet our biological age, aka physiological age, is assessed by our physical and mental functions. Many factors can influence these. Sure; we can partially attribute it to genetics. However, there are other crucial factors for staying youthful and our biological age is one that we have some control over.

The mind is very suggestible, think something, and you create it. Imagine the sour taste of a lemon or a pickle, and your salivary glands start to pucker. Or, when retelling a story remembering a poignant moment, you tear up. Even though it is just a memory, your mind is recreating it, making it real. That’s because the body has created what the mind was thinking.

Our thoughts have a direct correlation to everything we manifest in our lives.  Including the words, we use to describe ourselves. They define us.

This makes our mindset on aging crucial regarding the feelings it dictates about the aging process. Our fitness regime, eating habits, drinking habits, and lifestyle choices result from those thoughts.

 Change your thoughts, change your life.

12 Thoughts for Staying Vibrant

1) Starts with your attitude. When you say: I am too old, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So, if you say you are too old, you are. You are only as old as you feel.

2) Live your biological age and ignore those who tell you to act your age. Be the age you feel. Suppose you feel 40, or 30, or 20. Rock it!

3) Wearing the weight of the world on your shoulders will age you before your time. Let go of the problems you have no control over.

4) Refrain from blaming your aches and pains on your age and stop using it as an excuse for the consequences of our active lives. Those sore muscles may be from overdoing in your yoga class or that extra mile you decided to run.

5) Forgetfulness could be just that. With technology providing all of the answers, we are no longer required to stay active in our memory bank. Saying it’s a senior moment is an excuse for not exercising our minds. The more you say,  I can’t remember anything, the more it will manifest. Choose to reinforce what a great memory you have; by programming the mind with, my memory is stronger than ever.

6) Flirt. Flirt with a man. Flirt with a woman. Flirt with life. Flirt with the idea of doing something daring and fun. Feeling passionate about something will take years off of your face and put a bounce back in your step. Being happy makes us feel alive.

7) When you say the stress is killing me, it is. Stress is very aging for the body. Saying it is a fast track to being it. Find ways to let it roll off of your back. Meditation and mindfulness practices are beneficial in letting it go.

8) Smile. You can not smile and frown at the same time. You will always feel more beautiful with your lips turning upwards. Smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and your happiness. Do something that makes you smile.

9) Laugh. Laughter is good for your health. It inhibits stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, works your abs, is great for cardiac health, releases endorphins, creates a sense of well-being, and bonds us with people. So, if you are stressed, find a way to have a good belly laugh; even when we fake it, we reap the benefits.

10) Refrain from spending time with people who complain. Particularly with those who complain about their age and ailments. Seek out multi-generational gatherings, which can be stimulating, uplifting, and fun. They expose us to cultural trends, music, food, new lingo, dance moves, and energy!

11) Do not use age as an excuse for not doing something. We may choose to stay home for many reasons, and that is fine, but do not pull the age card in getting out of doing something. One day you will create that to be true, as you will have allowed your mind to gauge what you are too old to do.

12) Have Sex. Aside from it just being fun, it’s good for you. You stay healthier. It lowers blood pressure, improves bladder control, lowers the risk of heart attack, counts as exercise, and stimulates your creativity. So let’s get healthy, have a workout, and get creative.

Our chronological number is just that. A number. It has no bearing on our quality of being. What defines our aging process is our perception and our approach to living our lives. We are as vibrant and vital as we choose to be. So go forth, with a spring in your step, a smile on your lips, and an easy laugh waiting to be expressed. Remember age is an attitude, make it an original.

Our minds are the limit, so make yours limitless.