“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.”
― Kahlil Gibrán

Intuition is the ability to understand something without the need for conscious reasoning. We all have it: however, many don’t hear it. Intuition is a hit or flash of insight that needs no translation. The typical hit most of us can relate to is a Mother’s Intuition.

Our subconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind through Intuition; it is the voice of our true selves. We hear it as confirmation when we are on the right track, or we know we are not if we feel something in the pit of our stomachs. We may be drawn to something, or it spurs our creativity and inventiveness; these are all signs our Intuition is guiding us.

Culturally we have moved away from our instinctual animal brain and have been taught that the rational mind should be used instead. As a result, we have discounted the instinctual brain’s power, which is our Intuition’s seat. A balance between the two minds is ideal, yet many have overdeveloped the rational at the expense of the intuitive.

“You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind.”
~ Roy T. Bennett

To hear our Intuition, we must first let go of our biases and prejudices that the rational mind is superior to instinctual behavior. Then, we must move aside from those judgments to clear a channel for our Intuition; listening to a hunch or following a gut feeling has as much value as rational thought. To do this, it first takes clearing doubts and learning to trust.

Connecting to Intuition

To connect to our Intuition, we must learn to be quiet. It speaks very softly; it is almost invisible; some call it hearing the inner voice or the knowing. We may miss what it is trying to communicate until we let go of the noise within and tune into the silence. Once attuned to hearing it, it will become louder and unmistakable.

Getting Quiet

There are many ways to become quiet; meditation is excellent. There are many techniques, and the one that is best for you is the one that fits your life, and you will do it regularly.

Getting quiet is not just achieved through structured meditation, sitting crossed-legged, concentrating on a mantra, or gazing into a candle flame.

It can also be with movement. I like hiking or walking; it empties my monkey mind and lets me hear my Intuition. It is important not to listen to music or a podcast and to let go of what’s in our minds. If we hike with a friend, refrain from chatting, and allow some distance between yourselves. It is through the silence we will begin to hear our inner voice.

Another way is to go outside and lay on the ground. It is commonly called grounding or earthing. Ensure you are on a natural element: sand, grass, dirt, pebbles, a forest floor, and no artificial turf or concrete. Lay prone on your back, hands out to the side, palms facing upwards, let your ankles relax, close your eyes, and feel the electromagnetic energy coming up from the earth.

While prone, breathe in, and with each exhale, let go of the chatter in your head. Feel the balancing energy rising beneath you. Once the chatting in your mind decreases, allow the quietness to envelop you. Within the calm, you will hear a soft voice beginning to speak.

Be mindful of noise pollution. Elevated sound levels have become omnipresent in today’s society; we barely notice them. It can come in traffic, machinery, and the drone of the day-to-day world. It also comes from our environments; televisions blaring, music playing, and dogs barking. Communicating in raised voices and constant talking all contribute to the discord in our heads. The ability to learn stillness and quietude will propel us into the world of our Intuition.

It takes time to connect to our inner voice. Patience is needed. It is essential to acknowledge all humans experience Intuition, yet, many have denied the existence of it for the majority of their lives, and it has atrophied. Just like a muscle not used, to strengthen it, we must work on it and exercise it.

The imbalance in our lives has been shown to us repeatedly, particularly in the current global pandemic and social unrest. Regaining our balance begins, by turning inward and developing the part of us we have ignored. Trusting when it speaks, let us allow our Intuition to guide us, knowing our highest good is always its intention.

“Intuition is always right in at least two important ways;
It is always in response to something and
it always has your best interest at heart”
― Gavin De Becker