“The more you know, the less you need.”
― Yvon Chouinard

In a society where bigger, better more faces the concept of less is more, the idea of where there is too much, something is missing caught my attention. Although I do not live a minimalist lifestyle, I continuously strive to rehome, recycle and upcycle those things that are no longer necessary in my life.

As I dove deeper, I realized this held for attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. As we strive to become more conscious, our abilities have strengthened in identifying areas in our lives we may have thought were a part of who we were without the capacity to control; only to awaken to the knowledge that we have all of the capabilities and power to transform.

Here are a few of the areas I recognized as a starting point.

Where there is hatred, love is missing.

Where there is judgment, compassion is missing.

Where there is hoarding, generosity is missing.

Where me is focal, we is missing.

 Where there is dis-ease, equilibrium is missing.

Where there is fear, trust is missing.

Where there is contempt, humbleness is missing.

Where there is blame, responsibility is missing.

Where there is chaos, quiet is missing.

Where there is detachment, intimacy is missing.

Where there is stress, balance is missing.

Where there is hurt, healing is missing.

Where there is panic, calmness is missing.

Where there is waste, conservation is missing.

Where there is timidness, courage is missing.

Where there is self-indulgence, self-reflection is missing.

Where there is denial, insight is missing.

Where there is self-loathing, self-care is missing.

Where there is intolerance, acceptance is missing.

Where there is a monkey mind, meditation is missing.

Where there is selfishness, sacrifice is missing.

Where there is apathy, passion is missing.

Where there is destruction, order is missing.

 Where there is greed, temperance is missing.

 Where there is shame, pride is missing.

 Where there is arrogance, humility is missing.

Where there is betrayal, loyalty is missing.

Where there is ignorance, wisdom is missing.

 Where there is disgrace, honor is missing.

Where there is disheartenment, celebration is missing.

Where there is meanness, kindness is missing.

Strive daily to become the person we can hold in the highest esteem, and society can only follow the lead. Jimi Hendrix had it right, When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”  

“Being content with less, creates space in the heart for more love.”
― Margo Vader

Photo: courtesy of randuz romay