“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Throughout time, humans have sought spiritual guidance in hopes of awakening to a higher power. We search out gurus, make pilgrimages, listen to endless podcasts from those we think have all of the answers. Yet what if we have it turned around? What if we have all of the answers within, and our human experience is about remembering?

 I know, I know I know, yet I keep forgetting  ~Unknown.

We know exactly what we have been incarnated to achieve when we are born. We know our life’s mission, and we have the knowledge to guide us to accomplish it. Yet, from the moment we are born, we begin to forget. Our brains become filled with new stimuli. Thoughts, the do’s and don’ts, the rules society deems appropriate, the beliefs and behaviors that will allow us to fit in. Then, slowly as more thoughts develop, and curiosity begins questioning everything, our memories fade, not disappearing completely, but are stored in the recesses of our minds.

Our task as conscious humans is to remember.

Intuition is the ability to immediately understand something that one knows from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. We all have it, and as we awaken, it gets stronger.

We are born with a knowing deep down, perhaps at an unconscious level. We may feel it in our hearts or that gut feeling we sometimes have. We sense that life is more than what we are experiencing, that there must be something more significant than this life. We want to touch it, experience it, and many attempt to access it through drugs. But even if the drug could give you a glimpse, repeated uses of it will not.

The first step in remembering is understanding some Cosmic Truths.

Thoughts are power. What we think will actualize, giving us ultimate control of our lives.

Lessons. The things that irritate us the most, what we call problems, those frustrations that are never-ending, are life’s lessons. They appear when we become triggered, judgemental or angry. They can challenge the very essence of who we are. Learning to navigate these challenges when they arise will allow us to move through them.

Everyone and everything are here to teach us something. We attract what we need, which is a lesson unto itself to trust. But, when we take responsibility for this power, we begin to understand what happens in our lives is here to elevate us to another level.

There are no mistakes, just lessons.

Those lessons that we do not master will continue to appear. If we decide to go around it, don’t worry, it will come back until we conquer it, go through it, understand it, then let it go. Beware, even when we think we are finished with a lesson, it may come back disguised to verify that we have indeed learned it.

Unless we change how we think of life, things will continue to reappear. Our reactions; how we respond to these events dictate if a lesson is learned or not. So, how we choose to react and respond is vital.

Accept that life is not happening to us. We are the creators of our world. Our subconscious minds guide us to make choices that our conscious minds may object to. Listen to your higher self, which can be heard through intuition.

To begin the journey of knowing, create less drama. To respond with a clear mind, we must declutter the old beliefs and reactive behaviors, those thoughts that we have come to think of as real. So let go of those thoughts that no longer bring the best results.

Avoiding taking the time to work through one of our lessons is a lesson too. Patience and persistence are needed to complete many lessons.

Everything that happens can teach us something; sometimes, it takes dissecting what has occurred. And what we label as bad often has a silver lining. Also, be careful of the labels we give things.

Choose each moment with intention and decide the action to take, for those choices will shape the future.

Karma is real. Everything is connected. People have come up with many ways to speak about the chain effect of cosmic justice for millennia, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. Good or bad, we get what we deserve, and those who believe this to be true call it karma.

We will never face anything we are incapable of handling. Pain is a part of growth. It will pass. However, we may need to dig down deep, so breathe and face it. Stay present at the moment. Baby steps are still steps.

Welcome aloneness. We are born alone, and we leave this incarnation alone. Banish your fears of being alone, for once you do, you are free

No one’s path is better than your path, for lessons are specific to us. So the advice of others needs to be taken with a grain of salt and processed before you decide it’s your path too. For example, I’ve been told to spend less time riding horses and more time focused on making money. I was told not to travel when I was young and instead develop a career, and marrying a rich guy was a ticket to success. Fortunately, I did not listen to any of the naysayers of my life. Through my choices, I am becoming who I am meant to be.

I have learned the more I know, the less I know. Yet, I know, I know I know, and now I am choosing to remember. Truth always speaks louder than words.