Guest post by Elizabeth Fiore

Hey, Mama’s Lauren and Liz here. We are the founders of Vision Works, NY; our mission is to help people live their best life and achieve their wildest dreams.

No, we are not miracle workers if that’s what you were thinking. We have just found the recipe to help transform your life. We only know because it has worked for us.

Our Story

Lauren and I were both married 10+ years. Each was filled with roller-coaster ups and downs. We each have two children, it’s crazy how our lives mirrored each other, and we had never even met. In 2018 we both decided to walk away from our marriages.

We were flooded with intense emotions of stress, guilt, emptiness, anger, and grief. We were introduced to each other by mutual friends. We connected instantly.

Lauren had begun the healing process and had put in place daily practices that allowed her to look at this experience as a gift rather than a disaster. They say that life happens for us, not to us, right?

 Lauren introduced me to her strategies. I filled my days with mantra’s, meditations, and reading books. All these practices had a common theme: vision.

As I recited my mantra, I would create a picture in my mind, and I allowed myself to feel the sense of relief letting go of my old perspective. We were growing into new people.

 For years Lauren has used vision boards as a way for her to set intentions and achieve them. So, here we are today, two women who have transformed their lives from being stuck to having endless possibilities, all thanks to our vision boards.

 What is a Vision Board?

 A vision board is a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation. It’s a visual reminder of what you imagine your best life looks like.  It includes the goals and dreams you are aspiring to meet.

Vision boards represent the law of attraction. When we don’t have a clear vision of what we want to achieve in life, how do we know what direction we are heading in? You wouldn’t go to the deli and say, “I’ll have a sandwich, please.” You would tell the deli person exactly what you want, “I’ll have turkey and cheese on rye with mayo and lettuce.” You are super-specific in your order, and that’s the same way you need to be with your life and your dreams. A vision board helps you to keep your attention on your intentions.

Making a vision board will not magically change your life, you need to focus your energy into it, in order to activate your board.

If you are interested in making a board, here is the recipe we use with our clients:


S-set intentions.

You will need to decide what it is you want and be very specific. Next, write them down and continue to write about them each day. For example, if you desire to get a promotion you could write my promotion is coming to me, I am open to gifts the universe has for me, I am deserving and grateful. You want to get in the mindset that it is already done.

E-exercise your brain.

When you want to strengthen your bicep, you lift weights regularly. Our brain is a muscle. If you want to strengthen its power, you need to concentrate on your thoughts. This is the script you tell yourself over and over each day. Remember, negative thoughts bring negative experiences. Concentrate on gratitude, thank your experiences. Also, most important you must visualize your intentions as if they are already happening. Feel it, picture it, what would you be wearing, and you will begin to carry yourself differently and attract what is meant for you.

E- energy/emotion.

Keep those vibrations high. Remember to stay positive. When things don’t work out it’s for your best interest. Trust the universe. Do not get lost in disappointment; rather, change your perspective and see it as an opportunity for the right experience to come into your life. Pivot shake off the low energy and stay focused on your intentions.

D-daily practice

The key to success is developing a daily practice. I find the morning to be the best time before the day begins, you can get yourself in the right frame of mind. Hang your board somewhere visible. I keep mine right next to my bed. Other people hang it in their office. You might also want to take a picture and keep it on your phone so that throughout your day, you can glance at it and raise your vibrations.

Becoming a Master Manifestor

Once your board is complete, you are going to need to connect with it daily. Each day look at the first thing that catches your eye and look at it as though it’s happening in that exact moment.

Begin to feel the emotion it would bring you. Your brain does not have the concept of time. So, when you engage in this exercise, you fool your brain into thinking it is already happening, and you fall into the frequency of attraction.

What we focus on we create. This is going to draw your attention to what you desire and raise your positive vibrations. You will be amazed by how powerful your thoughts are and how quickly you will manifest your desires.

At our workshops, we teach people how to identify what it is they want. We talk in-depth about how they must change their mental script and perspective to rewire their brain.

When you have thoughts that might sound something like this, “I have no time to do that,” I have never been good at that,” or “that’s not possible.” That type of talk is called limiting belief, and they hold us back from accomplishing our goals. Replace them with “I can do that “or “all things are possible when you put in the work.” Watch how things will begin to change for you.

You are on your way to becoming a Master Manifestor!

If you are interested in learning more about vision boards, check out our website @visionworksny to see testimonials, get ideas for your board, or get a few of your closet friends together and let Vision Works NY host an event for you.