A habit is a decision that you made at some point, then stopped making but continued acting on it

~ Charles Duhigg 

Not all habits are created equal. The habit of who we are comprises everything we need to live our lives and, in some cases, those that are no longer necessary.

All habits are learned and acquired behaviors. They can start consciously or often unconsciously becoming habits before we even realize it.

Our habits become so comfortable as a part of who we are we can overlook certain ones that have ceased being useful.

Our brains record everything that has ever happened in our lives, thus forming our attitudes. Our attitudes influence our behaviors, which become our reality. These behaviors become the habit of who we are.

The habit of who we are is not the same as other habits. We think who we are is outside of our control. It isn’t.

We can change our behaviors if we no longer like our reality. It requires an attitude adjustment.

The clues to the habit of who we are lay in the phrases we repeat to ourselves or those others repeat about us. For example, “I always have been this way,” “That’s who I am.”  “Don’t bother; that’s how she always acts.” “Don’t mind me; that’s how I do things,” etc.

I am a creature of habit. I like to use the same coffee cup. I want to park in the same parking lot at my local stores. I use the same gas station when I can. I feed the animals at about the same time with the same routine.

Some habits are not bad. They create stability and a framework for our day-to-day lives. However, the practices that are no longer helpful are the ones that are not moving us forward in becoming our best selves.

Breaking any habit, including the ones we think make up the core of who we are,  can take time. How long? Some say it takes 21 days; others say 40. Regardless, it takes as long as it takes.

9 Habits Worth Breaking

  1. Making excuses
  2. Yea, but… syndrome
  3. Blaming others
  4.  Justification
  5. Over Reacting
  6. Laziness
  7. Lack of hygiene
  8. Self Centeredness
  9. Bullying

Letting go of anything that no longer serves our lives happens when we can no longer accept how things are. Indications of things no longer working include friction, drama, doors closing, relationship tension, anger, disheartening interactions, and frustration.

To make a change, we have to take action. It can be a quiet action. Little by little, you wake up your consciousness. No announcements to the world need to be made, for the journey is personal.

Keep your journey close to your heart, and you will wake up one day, forgetting how you once were, for the habit of who you are has transformed into who you always dreamt of being.

You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”– A.A. Milne