When I hear somebody say ‘Life is hard’, I am always tempted to ask ‘Compared to what?’

~ Sydney J. Harris

How we approach everything in life is a matter of attitude, perspective, and choice.

When I became vegetarian at 14 years old, my grandmother would tell people that I couldn’t eat meat. I would correct her and explain I could, but I chose not to. She had difficulty understanding why I would prefer not to consume it. From her perspective, it was a sign of abundance that meat was on the table.

Last year, I stopped drinking alcohol. Not because I drank too much, but because it no longer tasted good. My body alerted me that it didn’t want it. I have had a few glasses of wine in the almost year since I stopped, and when I did, it was satisfying, but the desire to drink regularly did not resurface. Will I abstain forever? Probably not. Was it challenging to stop? Asked by many friends, no, it was not; it is a choice I made for now.

All words carry a vibrational frequency. So, when we consciously choose words with higher vibrations, we change the energy around us.

When we set our intention and decide to do something, desiring to make it uncomplicated, simply changing the words we use to describe it will alter how our subconscious reflects on it. Because words are energy, selecting certain words over others can change our attitude toward a situation. Even if we are not feeling the words we are using initially, choosing the higher vibrational path will, in turn, alter our consciousness.

To effortlessly alter the impact of our words, have gratitude instead of resentment. Acceptance over judgment. Joy over bitterness.

For instance, I have to, which carries with it drudgery and obligation; change your words to, I get to, which holds opportunity, delight, and optimism.

Experiment with these three words: I have to, or I get to and feel in your body the difference they make.

For example:

I get to choose the food and drink that makes my body feel good, or I have to stop eating fast food because my doctor tells me to.

I get to spend time with my family. I have to see my family.

I get to work and earn money, or I have to go to work, or else I cannot pay my bills.

I get to exercise and keep my body healthy. I have to exercise because I have health issues.

When we become aware of how words affect our world, we understand that how we use language reveals our level of consciousness. The more we choose words that elevate our craving for an easier path, the smoother the road will become. Walking on cobblestones may be difficult when we focus on the unevenness of the stones, or it can be enchanting to realize all the rocks were hand-honed and placed manually; the craftsmanship is astounding. Does it make it easier to walk on the uneven surfaces? No, but the beauty of appreciating what we are walking on can change our feelings about it.

Life is not easy, or is it? Like the Chinese finger trap, you put a finger in each side of the tube and pull your fingers apart to free yourself; the more you pull, the tighter it becomes. To release the trap, you relax and push your fingers towards each other. Ironically, it is the opposite of what our instinct tells us. Life is a series of lessons to navigate; instead of fighting each one along the way, we can change the narrative that life is hard and rediscover that life is fun. It only takes getting into the rhythm to enjoy the journey.

You must learn in life to take things more lightly, my dear. The world is always changing. Learn how to allow for it.”
~ Elizabeth Gilbert, City of Girls